Tuesday, 12 March 2013


THIS JUST IN: A recent report by the Institute of British Representation has recently called for a ban on the Professor Layton series for 'horrific' and 'shamefully backwards' depiction of English 'people'. A spokesperson for the group, Kuritta Syze, put forward that the 'tea-guzzling antics' of the titular hero are an offensive exaggeration 'perpetuated by archaic Japanese stereotypes of the English', such as wearing top hats indoors and drinking tea at every possible occasion (when it is common knowledge that it is only before and after elevensies and post-supper). Syze also notes how the games portray the old stereotype of an Englishman having 'one pair of clothes' and 'the dead cold eyes of a killer', an image long prolonged by the infamous 'Blank Stare Jefferson', an Englishman who resided in Japan and fought his way to become the first foreign shogun in 2004. Most shocking of all was the depiction of Luke, a small boy who follows Layton 'like a puppy on heat', reflecting the common notion held by the Japanese of Englishmen as 'outgoing paedophiles with children following them as if suffering from Stockholm syndrome' and 'loving every second of it'. 

I've reached out to Nintendo for further comment.

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