Monday, 22 July 2013


I was fortunate enough to bump into Deus Ex boffin Warren Spector last Tuesday around 12:34pm in my local social plaza, Wetherspoons, to discuss things. Voila.

Warren is sitting alone on a table in the corner, next to three empty pint glasses and a plate of mayonnaise, and I notice him doodling obscene pictures of Mickey Mouse with two pencils in his eyes, or possibly crayons, it's hard to tell from here. I ignore it and take a sit.

Clark Huffleteim: Mr. Spector, thank you for joining us.

Warren Spector: Sorry do I-

CH: Clark from Built from the Ground Down, sorry I'm late.

WS: Erm, Built from... what? Are you a blog?

CH: We just reached hit 206, quite up 'n' coming, no comments as of yet but just you wait. We're quite popular in the Phillipines.

WS: I really should be going... sorr-

CH: So Mr. Spector, Epic Mickey 2...

WS: I'm really very proud of what the old team at Junction Point accomplished...

CH: Shit camera thoug-

WS: Fuck yourself.

Thanks to Warren Spector for his time and for lending me 50p for the bus.